Annual Activities

SPBB Annual Activities


The SPBB organizes workshops, training, and lectures to bring together students, researchers, young scientists, professionals, etc. on a common platform to make a roadmap to meet the challenges in agriculture.

Upcoming workshop/training



  1. ICAR sponsored Workshop on “Harnessing the Benefits of Biotechnology” was organized in collaboration with the NRC on Plant Biotechnology, Pusa Campus from March 27-29, 2008
  2. Workshop on ‘Gene Editing for Enhancing Plant Productivity and Stress Tolerance’ was organised from 10-12 November, 2019 at ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad.
  3. Workshop on ‘Proteomics and metabolomics: application in agriculture for enhancing productivity and processability’ was organised at Division of Biochemistry, ICAR-IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi on 19.08.2019.
  4. National E-Workshop on ‘Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Phytochemicals for Better Nutrition’ during 09-11 December 2020, jointly organized by SPBB, New Delhi & Department of Biochemistry, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV), West Bengal.
  5. Workshop on ‘Transgenic Crop: Technology and Application’ was organized by ICAR-NIPB New Delhi from 20-21 January, 2020.
  6. Webinar on ” Nutrition, Immunity and Covid-19′ on 30th September, 2020 (Organized by ICAR-IARI & SPBB, New Delhi in Virtuald mode.
  7. Workshop Cum Hands-on-Training on “Creating Healthy World through Agriculture Base, Balanced Diet” jointly organised by Division of Biochemistry, ICAR-IARI & SPBB, New Delhi during 06-08th September, 2021 in Hybrid mode.
  8. One Day Online Workshop on ‘Microgreens for health and wellness’Jointly organised by ICAR-IARI & SPBB, New Delhi on 20th February 2021 in Virtual mode.
  9. One day e-Workshop on Biomolecules, Bio resources and Biotechnology on 15th January, 2021 for School Science Teachers (IX-XII class).
  10. National Workshop on “Shiitake Mushroom: As Nutraceutical and Next Generation Functional Food” during 22-24 February 2022 2021 Jointly organized by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal & SPBB, New Delhi (in Hybrid Platform)
  11. The two days workshop for school students (Class IX-XII) on “Plant Biotechnology: Science, Applications, And Opportunities“ was organised at ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology during 10-11 November, 2022
  12. Three days workshop cum hands-on-training on “Basic Techniques of Plant Proteomics” was organised at Akal University, Bathinda during 16-18 November 2022.
  13. Three days training program on ‘Genetic Engineering of Pulses and Beyond’ was organised at ICAR- Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, UP. During 16-18 November, 2022
  14. 3 Min-Ideathon was organised by Division of Biochemistry, ICAR-IARI & All India Agricultural Students Association under the aegis of SPBB (Final round on 04.10.2023) at Division of Biochemistry, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
  15. Hands on training on basic tools of molecular biology and biotechnology to college students of life sciences degree program was organised by ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology, New Delhi from 19 to 21 November 2024.
  16. Two Days National Workshop on Bioinformatics :Advancing into the world of omics” was organised by College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bihar, during 30-31 December, 2024