Organising Committee of the Conference constituted SPBB-Springer Awards with Springer Nature India Pvt. Ltd. in different categories
Best Editor Award (2020)
Dr. S.R. Bhat
Former Professor, ICAR-NIPB
New Delhi
Best Reviewer Award (2020)
Dr. Manoj Prasad
Staff Scientist VII & J. C. Bose National Fellow,
NIPGR, New Delhi
Best Research Articles based on highest Citation (2015-2020)
1. Author: Dr. Chanderdeep Tandon
Article entitled: “Tracking dynamics of enzyme activities and their gene expression in Picrorhiza kurroa with respect to picroside accumulation”
(Volume 25, Issue-2, July 2016)
2. Author: Dr. Sushil Kumar
Article entitled: ” Development and validation of EST-derived SSR markers and diversity analysis in cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba)”
(Volume 25, Issue-3, July 2016)